Your Elected Officials

Riviera Beach is in MD State Legislative District 31B . AACO District 3.  Below are our House of Delegates and State Senator Simonaire. Nathan Volke is our representative on the AA County Council. Click here for Legislative AACO Map and your representatives 

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Your Elected Officials

Governor - Wes Moore  Democrat
Lt .Governor - Aruna Miller Democrat
Attorney General - Anthony G. Brown Democrat
Comptroller - Brooke Elizabeth Lierman Democrat

US Senators:
Benjamin L. Cardin Democrat
Christopher Van Hollen Jr. Democrat 

US Representative: 3RD District
John P. Sarbanes  
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

State Senator: District 31
Bryan W. Simonaire

State Delegate(s): District 31
Brian A. Chisholm   Republican
Nicholaus R. Kipke   Republican
Rachel P. Munoz  Republican

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